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the real name is rectus femoris, the vastus muscles are the ones laterally, medially and intermedius, there is no vastus femoris. the Quadriceps Femoris are: rectus femoris, vastus lateral

is, vastus medialis and vastus intermedius.

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Q: Why do some call the rectus femoris the vastus femoris?
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What extends the lower leg?

The knee. The prime mover for extension of the knee joint is the quadraceps femoris which is actually a group of muscles consisting of rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis and vastus intermedialis. Extension here is assisted by hamstring part of the adductor magnus and to some extent by the adductor brevis.

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Wrong. For one, your quad muscles are your rectus femoris, vastus medialis, vastus intermedias and vastus lateralis. Biceps femoris and semimembranosis are part of your hamstring msucles. Secondly, calf muscles include the gastrocnemius and the soleus, while the tibialis anterior is part of the front compartment of the lower leg, not the calf. And to make everyting straigght, all major muscle groups are worked out during a skipping exercise. Abdominals to stabiliase your body, legs for the jumping, biceps and lats and traps for the propelling of the rope. Hope that helps

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Thyrohyoid is a suprahyoid muscle and it depresses the larynx , it also helps in swallowing and deglutition , some Indian books state that is an elevator of the larynx , but most literature that i have read states it to be a depressor , other depressors of the larynx are omohyoid , sternohyoid and sternothyrohyoid.

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The thigh is comprised of quite a few muscles. The main muscles that people usually refer to fall into two categories: the hamstring group and the quadriceps group. In the hamstring group (which is the back of the thigh) are the biceps femoris, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus. In the quadriceps group (front of thigh) are the rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius, and vastus medialis. Some other muscles that are on the thigh are the sartorius, iliopsoas, adductor longus, adductor magnus, and gracilis.

What muscle would downwardly rotate the pelvis?

The proper term is downwardly tilting the pelvis is anterior tilt, or more properly called anteversion. The muscles that would contribute to this movement would be any of the hip flexors. A partial list would include: iliacus, iliopsoas, psoas major & minor, rectus femoris, tensor fascia lata, sartorius, pectinius, and some others.

Muscles used for hip flexion?

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Some muscles in your leg are hamstrings, quads, and gastrocnemius*. *The largest muscle in your calf muscle. It helps you extend you foot, raise your heel, and assists you in bending your knee.

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there are many muscles involved some include acromion of scapula, adductor femoris longus, and flexor carpi radialis, etc.

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If your fat and on the sides you have wiggly and giggly stomach on the side it's called LOVEHANDLES..Your Welcome

What are the names of the muscles in a frogs hindlimbs?

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