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Q: Why do some donkeys have horizontal stripes on their legs?
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Do donkeys have a cross on their back?

This is a remnant of a more stripy coat. Darwin noted the relative frequency of double shoulder stripes in donkeys and mules and all equids are prone to having stripes on their legs, especially Somali and Egyptian donkeys. A similar tendency can be seen in all species of tapir (very closely related to equids) at birth.

What is unique about a Donkey and Zebra mixed?

Donkeys and zebras, like horses, are members of the genus Equus and the family Equidae. Thus, donkeys, zebras, and horses can all reproduce and produce infirtile offspring, such as mules, zedonks, and zorses. Donkeys are frequently domesticated by man, unlike the notoriously stubborn and untameable zebra. Zebras are also famous worldwide for their iconic black and white stripes, which donkeys do not have. Donkeys are usually some shade of brown or grey, ranging from creamy tan to dark chocolate, although domestic donkies come in particolor, white, and many other unusual colors. Donkeys are generally smaller with larger ears and more placid personalities, while zebras are far more agressive. The main difference is the stripes.

Do you keep male donkeys separate from pregnant donkeys?

You should, to ensure that the male (if he is intact) will not try to mate with the Jenny. Some donkeys and horses are aggressive to the females while mating.

What is a group of donkeys called?

A group of donkeys is called a drove, herd or pace. Most of the time, a group of any animal is called a herd. Or in some cases it is called a pack.

Are donkeys extinct?

No, extinct means there are no animals of that species still alive. Donkeys are still used regularly on farms, in petting zoos, and in some areas, as transportation.

Related questions

Do donkeys have a cross on their back?

This is a remnant of a more stripy coat. Darwin noted the relative frequency of double shoulder stripes in donkeys and mules and all equids are prone to having stripes on their legs, especially Somali and Egyptian donkeys. A similar tendency can be seen in all species of tapir (very closely related to equids) at birth.

Do all species of white tigers have stripes?

If you are referring to the Siberian or amur tiger... yes that kind of tiger has stripes.

Are okapis part zebra?

No, the stripes on the okapi's legs are for camouflage so they won't get noticed as easily as some animals on the forest floor. The sunlight filters in to the floor in little group that looks like stripes

What is sentence with word donkeys?

Donkeys are like horses in some ways.

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What are some zebra adaptations?

The zebra have three major structural adaptation. Their stripes cause confusion in a group, their legs allow for 40 MPH escapes, and their strong incisor teeth leave damaging bites in their predators.

What is unique about a Donkey and Zebra mixed?

Donkeys and zebras, like horses, are members of the genus Equus and the family Equidae. Thus, donkeys, zebras, and horses can all reproduce and produce infirtile offspring, such as mules, zedonks, and zorses. Donkeys are frequently domesticated by man, unlike the notoriously stubborn and untameable zebra. Zebras are also famous worldwide for their iconic black and white stripes, which donkeys do not have. Donkeys are usually some shade of brown or grey, ranging from creamy tan to dark chocolate, although domestic donkies come in particolor, white, and many other unusual colors. Donkeys are generally smaller with larger ears and more placid personalities, while zebras are far more agressive. The main difference is the stripes.

Do black pants really make your bum smaller?

Well, they just make it LOOK smaller. It is an optical illusion or some such thing. Like how horizontal stripes make you look bigger.

Are donkeys indangered?

No of course not! Donkeys are very common in many parts of the world. In some countries though, donkeys are not bred. This means you cannot find donkeys in some parts of the world. Dont worry, this doesnt mean they are endangered! =) Hope I helped! I work at the Zoo (wont say where) and I am solely in charge of the sweet donkeys!

Are there green donkeys?

No. Green donkeys do not exist, though some people have said that they saw them in African forests.

Are zebras only black with white stripes or only white with black stripes or can there be some black with white stripes and some white with black stripes?

Yes, sometimes.

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