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because it is excellent source of vitamins and they don't have to eat for 2 days because it takes 49 hours to digest.

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because the eggs get eaten

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Q: Why do some frogs eggs not turn into tadpoles?
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What is frogspawn?

Frog eggs. Frogs lay eggs, and the eggs hatch into tadpoles. Then the tadpoles turn into frogs.

What is a frogspawn?

Frog eggs. Frogs lay eggs, and the eggs hatch into tadpoles. Then the tadpoles turn into frogs.

What is the cycle of frogs?

Well first of all the female frog lay eggs and when the eggs hatch they are tadpoles, then the tadpoles transform into frog-like creatures whom are tiny and have tails and then they finally turn into frogs!.

What is frogsspown?

frogsspown is little frog eggs witch grow up to turn into tadpoles then they turn in to little frogs then normal frogs

Where do frogs lay eggs in rainy season?

yes they need water touch move the eggs very carefully into some water. remember they will all turn into tadpoles then frogs.

Does algae left in water for long periods of time turn into tadpoles?

No. Tadpoles are newly-hatched frogs and come from their eggs.

Why do less then half of the eggs turn into tadpoles in frog reproduction?

Frogs are fertilized outside of the mother which is part of the reason half of frog's eggs turn into tadpoles. Also, predators nearby may be drawn to the eggs.

When is a frog like fish?

frogspawn turns into tadpoles which eventually turn into frogs.

Are tadpoles and frogs different species?

No tadpoles are 'baby' frogs when tadpoles get older they grow legs and arms then turn into frogs

Why do frogs lay eggs?

Simply because snake eggs are less likely to be eaten by predators. Frogs eggs, floating in water, are potential food for anything that can get to it. Therefore - if a frog lays hundreds of eggs, there's more chance of at least some of them hatching into tadpoles.

Why do some frogs spawn not turn into tadpoles?

Some of the ova may have been left unfertilised.

Do crocodiles lay eggs or give live birth?

Most, but not all, species of frogs are oviparous; that is, they lay eggs in order to reproduce. Some species of frogs give birth to live young, such as members of the African genus Nectophrynoides and other species found in the Andes and Central America.