

Why do some goldfish breathe with only one gill?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Cause They Like Swimming Side Ways

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Q: Why do some goldfish breathe with only one gill?
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How does the respiratory in fish work?

Most fish can only breathe water. They do this by pulling water in through their mouths, and forcing the water back out through their gill slits (which are located behind their heads). As water passes through the gill slits, capillaries absorb oxygen from the water and release carbon dioxide into the water. However, there are some fish (called lungfish) which evolved lungs. These fish can breathe air when necessary, but usually breathe water.

How long can a goldfish live without air?

Well, considering that goldfish do not breathe air, they can live without it for as long as their normal lifespan might happen to be. Some goldfish only life for up to about a year and a half, while others can life for as long as 25 years or more. All without taking a single breath of air.

What animals breathe through its breathing holes?

Some spiders and insects that live in part underwater carry air bubbles with them to breathe through.

What are some of the breeds of goldfish?

Some common breeds of goldfish are: the Black Moor goldfish, the Ryunkin goldfish, the comet goldfish, the common goldfish, the Calico Fantail goldfish, the telescope eye goldfish, the bubble eye goldfish, the pearl scale goldfish and the Oranda goldfish.

How many eggs can a fantail goldfish lay?

about 200. only some survive.

WHY FISH out of water suffocate although water contain 5 to 10ml o2 compared with air about 210mlo2?

The reason is because the fishes gills have gill stacks inside. These gill stacks are like sheets of paper. They increase the surface area for the oxygen intake as fish have a constant supply of water over the gills the gill stacks do not stick together. When taken out of the water the gill stacks stick together and the fish suffocates as the surface area for oxygen uptake decreases. Some special fish that belong to a group called anabantids, these have an organ called the labyrinth. The labyrinth organ allows them to breathe atmospheric air or oxygen depleted water these are the only fish I know of that can breathe atmospheric air.

What are facts about about goldfish?

Here are some facts about goldfish 1. goldfish can live for many years some can only live up to 25 years. 2. there are severl breeds of goldfish. 3. goldfish talk to other goldfish by there gurlls. 4.goldfish can talk to humans but you can tell

What is some facts about goldfish?

goldfish are gold sometimes

What is a filamentous organ that allows for the exchange of gases underwater?

A gill is a filamentous organ specialized for the exchange of gases underwater. Some aquatic animals have gills that are adapted in such a way so as to allow them to breathe out of the water.

How do you tell if a goldfish is a boy or a girl?

The girl tends to be bigger than the boy. It's not easy to tell them apart. The males don't get into fights and the females don't have marks, different colors like a lot of other animals, so it is hard to do it. Also at some time of the year the female goldfish will get a bit fatter because she is full of goldfish eggs. With experience by observing them is possible to learn how to tell male and female goldfish apart by the thickness of their fins, the shape of their pectoral fins and the straight/thickness/firmness of their abdomens.

Do mammals have gills and can mammals breathe under water?

mammals cant breathe underwater only some of them like a beaver and the family...

Who discovered fish can breathe through gills?

Yes. The gills absorb oxygen from the water. Some fish have primitive lungs and can breath air (walking catfish, lungfish). While still some other fish (beta, carp) can gulp air to augment gill breathing in oxygen depleted water.