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Q: Why do some hummingbirds prefer to fly instead of perch?
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Can you put a hummingbird feeder on a second floor deck?

Yes you definitely can but the traffic will be less. Apparently most hummingbirds prefer a lower level near ground. Some hummingbirds do go up to a height of 12 to 18 feet. I have seen hummingbirds hovering at 2nd floor decks but in that case there were a lot of flower bearing plants on the deck.

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Because some people prefer using the keyboard instead of the mouse.

Do birds prefer perches near grass or no grass?

It depends entirely on what type of bird it is. Some birds perch right on the grass and some live on cliffs with no grass in sight, it really depends what the bird needs.

Some birds can digest food in less than an hour?

Yes some can. Hummingbirds do for example.

When is the reproduction of perchs?

A perch could be on a perch after some sort of storm that would cause the perch to be blown from the water and into a tree or a telephone pole.

What is a sentence for perched?

The Bald Eagle was perched ontop of a tree.

Do hummingbirds get tired?

Yes, they do. If you will build a long dowell perch near the feeder, a hummingbird will perch for as much as 15 minutes at a time. I've been able to get some very good pictures of my birds because I have a perch near each feeder.

What are some fun facts about hummingbirds?

Hummingbirds have no sense of smell but very keen eyesight.

What color are perch eggs?

Some are silver, and some are yellow.

Can the common quail fly?

Yes, they can fly, but they prefer to run, some types more than others. California quail will only fly if threatened or to fly up to a spotting perch. Otherwise they run to brush cover.

What kind of hummingbirds live in Oregon?

Oregon are best place to find hummingbirds. Some of the kinds of hummingbirds that live in that state include Calliope, Costa's, Broad-tailed, Rufous, Anna's and Allen's.

What is the common class name for a perch?

The true perch is perca flavescens, and is indigenous to the Great Lakes watershed, most of the northern tier of states and up to central Canada. They are most commonly called "Perch", "Yellow Perch" and "Lake Perch". That said, "perch" is one of the most misused terms in the restaurant industry, being used to describe half a dozen different fresh and salt water fishes, some of them not remotely like Yellow perch in flavor or quality.