

Why do some individuals stand more in pain than others?

Updated: 10/23/2022
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Q: Why do some individuals stand more in pain than others?
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Why individuals stand more pain than others?

it depends on how they were raised and the gentics they recived from their parents duribilty traits

Why can some individuals stand more pain than others?

it depends on how they were raised and the gentics they recived from their parents duribilty traits

Why some individual stand more pain than others?

Some individuals like pain and some don't. The scientific answer to this question is that pain takes place in the nervous system of our body and not everyone is created equal. the nervous system is controlled inside the brain. so when you cut your finger , it sends a signal to the brain and it hurts after the signal is sent.

Why can some people take more pain than others?

Some people could take more pain than others because they are either use to the pain by child birth, maybe some violent interaction, or because they like pain.

What is a person called who enjoys the pain others experience?

They are a saddist if they enjoy others in pain.

When was Regarding the Pain of Others created?

Regarding the Pain of Others was created in 2003.

Is it painful when you deliver a baby?

Yes, there is pain involved when you deliver a baby. Some people may experience more or less pain than others.

Does a tattoo hurt as much as people say it does?

For some people, more sensitive to pain, it does hurt alot To others, less sensitive to pain, it dosent It all depends on if your very sensitive to pain or not

What does the D stand for in mnemonic pain?

Duration. How long has it been at that level of pain. Which mnemonic are you talking about?

Should you tell your doctor about the foot pain in your heel?

Yes, you should tell your doctor about the foot pain in your heel. There are many causes for foot pain and some are more serious than others. It is better to be safe than sorry.

Which is more addictive morphine or vicodin?

they're both narcotics and depending on how the individuals addiction progresses, (how many more one relies on for the feeling per day)and what kind of pain the person is in, it differs.

You are 18 and suffer from severe pain during each of your periods Is it the same with all the others too?

If you are asking if the pain will continue throughout your lifetime, the answer is more than likely yes. Pain will change as your hormones change, if you have children, etc., but you should certainly tell your doctor about the pain.