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That has to do with the ability for electrons to move withing the material. Some metals, like copper, contain a free-moving "lattice" of electrons, which allows a lot of movement. Other materials such as rubber have their electrons very tightly bound, and so have a greater resistance to current.
Some elements do not let go of their electrons as easily as others do. The atoms in a NON-conductive material are 'stable' or balanced while conductive elements pass electrons to each other freely.

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10y ago

This basically has to do with how easy it is for charge carriers to move around. Charge carriers are most often electrons, but they may include any charged particle or pseudo-particle, such as positive or negative ions, or holes (in a semiconductor). For example, in a metal electrons are fairly free to move around - as a result, a metal is a good conductor of electricity.

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12y ago

in order to conduct electricity the electrons in the object have to be free and lined up to transfer the current thus the better lined up and free the electrons the better it conducts

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Q: Why do some materials conduct electricity better than others?
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if you mean the conduction of electricity then.... all non-metals do not conduct(excluding carbon which does conduct) all metals conduct although some conduct better than others

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Everything - it wouldn't conduct at all otherwise. Some materials conduct better than others, like the conducting wires.

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Metals are generally good conductors of electricity, meaning they allow electricity to flow easily through them. Insulating materials, such as rubber, plastic, and glass, are used to prevent electricity from passing through and are more effective at insulating than metals.

Does cerium conduct electricity and heat?

Cerium is a metal. All metals are conductors. Some are better conductors than others, but they all conduct electricity.

What metal conducts electricity and heat?

all of them, some better than others. Copper, silver, gold, iron, all can conduct both heat and electricity.

How some material are better conductors of electricity than others?

Materials that are better conductors of electricity typically have more free electrons that are able to move easily through the material when a voltage is applied. Metals are good conductors because they have many free electrons in their outer energy levels. In comparison, insulators have few free electrons and do not conduct electricity well.

What transmits electricity?

Electricity is typically transmitted through conductive materials, such as copper or aluminum wires. These materials allow the flow of electric current from a power source to the intended destination, such as homes, buildings, or electronic devices. Transformers and power lines are commonly used to efficiently transmit electricity over long distances.