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Q: Why do some muscles get more tired than other muscles?
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What are some ways of soothing tired muscles?

You can sooth tired muscles by getting a massage, or massaging the effected muscles yourself. You can also use a warm compress or icy hot which can help soothe your tired muscles.

Why is it important to have some of your muscles move independently?

If you move your muscles together all the time, you will be tired.

How fast do mucsles get tired answers?

How fast muscles get tired vary from person to person. It will vary based on the persons activity level, how hydrated they are, as well as how much muscle mass they have compared to others. While some peoples muscles won't get tired too quickly, others who aren't very active may get tired quickly.

What is the synonyms of worn-out?

exhausted,tired and some more

Do you have more bones or more muscles how do you know?

We have about 200+ bones in our body, but each bone must be controlled by several muscles. And some muscles do not control bones, for example the facial muscles and the eye muscles. So there are more muscles than bones.

How many muscles do you have in your body?

There's no exact count of the number of muscles in human body but according to the expert, there are 639 muscles and some of them said more than that.... am not an expert but just a wild guest 653 (hehehe)

What adjectives describing tired?


Is it bad to wash your eyes when your tired?

If the goal is to keep yourself awake, then, yes, washing your eyes with water, alone (i.e., do not use soap!), when you're tired might help, but probably not for more than a few minutes. In other words, do not attempt to use this method when you're driving; take a "power nap", instead.

What is the heart muscle cells special feature?

The muscle has unique features that are only in the heart.These muscles are involuntary striated muscle which are only found in the wall of the heart. This is specialised muscle that can contract, Cardiac muscle, like other muscles, can contract, but it can also carry an action potential (i.e. conduct electricity), like the neurons that constitute nerves.Furthermore, some of the cells have the ability to generate an action potential, known as cardiac muscle automaticity.Read more: Why_is_the_cardiac_muscle_unusual

Why do some boys have six packs and some do not?

Some boys exercise and those muscles are more defined and some do not exercise. Any layer of fat over the muscles also hides their definition.

What is facial synkinesis?

Facial synkinesis is the involuntary movement of facial muscles that accompanies purposeful movement of some other set of muscles.

How are bones attached to other bones?

Bones are attached to each other by ligaments, strong bands of tissue that may be flexible in some motions.(The similar tissues, tendons, connect the muscles to other muscles and to bones.)