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Let's take for example, a simple fruit plant. What do you do when you are thirsty? You go to the kitchen and get a glass of water. Right? What do you do when you are hungry? You grab some food and eat. Well, plants can't move nor they can provide for themselves. So when they need water because it hasn't rain or there is a drought, they have other defense mechanisms to counterarrest these factors. By changing the color of their leaves, or by growing deeper roots, or perhaps they send signals that will make them stop growing. All these factors must be considered when we ask ourselves this questions. I hope that this will help students think more and brainstorm a little of why we only have 46 chomosomes. Perhaps in the future we will have less after we go through some mutation. Remember that mutation is a process of evolution.

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Some organisms contain 0 chromosomes, for example prokaryotes whose DNA is formed into plasmids instead of chromosomes. Even among animals, chromosome numbers vary widely, for example 8 in the fruit fly and 132 in the kingfisher.

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Q: Why do some organisms contain only 32 chromosomes?
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Do chromosomes contain mitochondria that determine which trait an organism will have?

No.In some cells, mitochondria contain small chromosomes. Mitochondria have circular DNA molecules.Not advanced as chromosomes

What do bacteria have in common with the cells of other living organisms?

They have ribosomes.They contain cytoplasm. Some things bacteria have in common with cells of other living organisms is they both have chromosomes, they both have organelles and a nucleus, and are alive. they have a cell membrane

Is the number of gametes twice the number of chromosomes found in the body cells?

Gametes are cells, in humans they contain 23 chromosomes. Body Cells (Properly Called: Somatic Cells) in humans contain 46 chromosomes (2 sets of 23). Some differences or problems can cause this number to change in specific humans, gametes, and somatic cells. Muscle cells may have hundreds of chromosomes, red blood cells have none.

How many long chromosomes are present in each new cell?

It all depends on the type of organism on many chromosomes are present in each cell. By regular cell division each new cell will have the same number as the original cell. Some organisms have many more chromosomes than humans do and some have many less chromosomes.

Chromosome 21 and 22 contain long stretches of repetitive DNA which?

Chromosomes 21 and 22 contain long stretches of repetitive DNA, which are unstable sites where rearrangements can occur. The sequencing of human chromosomes 21 and 22 showed that some regions of chromosomes do not code for proteins.

Related questions

How many chromosomes do they contain?

Bacteria contain one circular chromosome (and several tiny circular plasmids), some slime molds contain hundreds of thousands of linear chromosomes. Other organisms contain various numbers of chromosomes depending on the species.

Do chromosomes contain mitochondria that determine which trait an organism will have?

No.In some cells, mitochondria contain small chromosomes. Mitochondria have circular DNA molecules.Not advanced as chromosomes

What do bacteria have in common with the cells of other living organisms?

They have ribosomes.They contain cytoplasm. Some things bacteria have in common with cells of other living organisms is they both have chromosomes, they both have organelles and a nucleus, and are alive. they have a cell membrane

Why can egg cells from a horse only contain an x chromosomes?

Egg cells from a horse (or any mammal) contain only X chromosomes because the egg always contributes an X chromosome, while the sperm can contribute either an X or a Y chromosome. This ensures that offspring inherit one X chromosome from the mother and determines their sex based on the sperm's contribution.

What does haploide mean?

"Haploid" refers to the number of chromosomes in a gamete.You may talk of a haploid number, haploid nucleus, haploid cell, or even a haploid organism, which is an animal or plant whose body cells contain the haploid number of chromosomes. Examples of haploid organisms are male honey bees and the leafy parts of mosses.The haploid number is often the number of chromosomes in a single set (n); this is true of us humans, for example. Our gametes contain one set of chromosomes (n = 23), and our somatic (body) cells two sets (2n = 46).However, some organisms have more sets; some wheat is tetraploid (4n) and its gametes are therefore 2n. In these cases the number of chromosomes in a single set (n) may be called monoploid.

Does the nucleus of the plant Cell contain chromosomes?

yes nucleus contains cromosomes in special cases known as closed mitosis in which within the nucleus mitosis accours and after the completion of mitosis only nnucleus divides.this pattern of mitosis is also called endo occurs in some lower organisms.

How can you tell if a cell has chlorophyll?

Cells containing chlorophyll can be identified through the presence of green pigmentation when viewed under a microscope or with the naked eye. Additionally, chlorophyll aids in photosynthesis, so if a cell is actively carrying out photosynthesis, it likely contains chlorophyll.

How many chromosomes do protists have?

Protists can have a wide range of chromosome numbers, which can vary from species to species. They may have a haploid number (n) or a diploid number (2n) or other variations, depending on the specific protist.

After fertilization how is the cell similar to and diffferent from the original cell?

Do you mean the similarities and differences between the new set of chromosomes and the parents' chromosomes? Or do you mean to ask about the comparison of the egg before/after fertilization?Only egg cells are fertilized.After fertilization, the egg should contain a complete set of chromosomes for the specific animal.If you meant the difference between the new set of chromosomes and the parents' individual chromosomes, the new set will generally contain the dominant genes of each gene type, and a few (generally minor) mutations. These mutations are what keep the organisms from slowly running out of non-relatives to breed with, in which case they would have had some severe genetic problems, as they would be amplified (which is the major problem of in-breeding).

How many chromosomes are in a genome?

The number of chromosomes in a genome varies depending on the species. For humans, there are 46 chromosomes (23 pairs) in a genome. Each chromosome contains thousands of genes that carry genetic information.

Is the number of gametes twice the number of chromosomes found in the body cells?

Gametes are cells, in humans they contain 23 chromosomes. Body Cells (Properly Called: Somatic Cells) in humans contain 46 chromosomes (2 sets of 23). Some differences or problems can cause this number to change in specific humans, gametes, and somatic cells. Muscle cells may have hundreds of chromosomes, red blood cells have none.

Do most organisms contain inorganic compounds and organic compounds?

Yes, most organisms contain both inorganic and organic compounds. Inorganic compounds such as minerals are essential for biological processes like enzyme function and cell structure, while organic compounds like carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids play critical roles in functions such as energy storage, structural support, and genetic information transfer.