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Because somebody told them so.

It's not uncommon for people who smoke marijuana to be exposed to harder drugs due to the fact that drug dealers sometimes sell other drugs as well as marijuana.

However, most people say no to the other drugs as the marijuana is better and has no negative effects as opposed to unnatural things that can mess people up.

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Q: Why do some people believe that marijuana use leads to hard drug use?
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Why do many people believe that marijuana is a begin drug?

This is a trick to keep it illegal.

Why do some people think marijuana is consider a gateway drug?

Because many drug abusers began with marijuana.

Does the amount of marijuana make a difference on a drug test?

well, to be exact yess. weed is a drug. believe me id know.

Can people get treated for marijuana addiction?

yes, but it is not common. marijuana is not an addictive drug just pschological.

Do parole agents in California test for marijuana in their standard drug tests?

Yes and No. Im currently on parole, and have not yet been tested for marijuana. My parole officer told me she would, but has not yet. Its more like what they dont know wont hurt them. I have been tested for alcohol and methamphetamines, but not marijuana. Some people think they dont test for marijuana because the test is expensive. I believe they do not, because its not a drug that leads to criminal behavior, and if they tried to enforce it, the prisons would be full in a matter of months.

Why would people want to legalize marijuana do people care about the other problems we are having in this country already?

mostly because a large number of people believe marijuana is a mild drug and compared to alchool wich brings many problems should have no problem being legalized.

What drug is seen more than any other drug treatment center?

Marijuana leads the way with 40% of the population stating they had used this illegal drug. Followed by prescription meds at 20% and cocaine at 18%.

Do you believe that marijuana should be legalized i do?

on a chart of awareness you are more aware when you drink alcohol then cigarettes then marijuana the last drug to be used when your the least aware is extacy

Is there a cure for marijuana?

Marijuana is a drug, not a disease..

What drug is train wreck?

a kind of marijuana or a street name for the drug Datura

Is marijuana a growing drug?

marijuana is a plant, so yes, it grows. also, if you mean people, yes. more people are using it. but it's slowly growing (people wise)