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Some people deny sin, because they do not want to admit the power of God, thus making themselves accountable.

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Q: Why do some people deny sin?
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Are people always aware of their sins?

Sin is turning away from God. We do this by our actions, our thoughts and our omissions. Sin is a deliberate act and we are always aware of it, although sometimes we may deny that it is a sin.

What is the unforgivable sin from Genesis in the Bible?

To deny Christ or God out of your life.

How do you use deny word?

He won't deny himself anything.Deny sin and you will lead a good life. Don't deny her the pleasure of your company.

If you sin in your dream have you committed sin in real life?

Not according to the bible. There are some people who believe that thinking or dreaming a sin is a sin, though.

Is mestibation a sin?

Some religions may consider it so, but it's natural. Don't deny you're human to conform. We have to be honest about that before we can achieve anything.

Will god deny a believer if they continue to sin?

If they continue to sin then the person themselves is denying God (that which is good and holy). God is not denying, he is being denied.

Why do people deny certain things?

They think that the result of telling the truth will be worse then to deny it ANSWER: I agree, but for some of us, if we deny or tell white lies it will help us not to be on a hot seat, or in trouble that might hurt someone who we care about. There is of course the point that people deny things is because they are not guilty of what they are accused of.

How can Jesus deny you in front of God the father?

he doesn't, only you can deny Jesus's love, because he died on the cross for yours and my sin, and it wasn't as easy as they make it look on the jesus films.

Why do people deny lying when they have been caught out lying?

People deny lying because they want to find a way out of it.

Is waching the cake farts video a sin?

Watching a cake fart video is not a sin to some people. It all depends on the person.

Why did they deny Vlad the impaler's wife a Christian burial after she committed suicide?

Suicide is considered to be a mortal sin, which Christians are forbidden to do.

Do you agree that it is inconsistent to deny privileges like voting and drinking to teens but still sentence them as adults?

Some people agree; some do not.