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Well it's just the way it works out.

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Q: Why do some people have different belly buttons?
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Do rats have belly buttons?

Yes they do, though they are hard to see. See the article from Discover Mag for some interesting facts - including about belly buttons - in the link below. Rats were not delivered in a different way - they are mammals and have an umbilical cord as well. All mammals have bellybuttons

Can you tell if someone is gay by their belly button?

Um... no? Gays are the exact same as straight people. Some belly buttons are innies, others are outies, but none have any bearing on sexuality. Sorry!

What are some True What are facts?

Animals that lay eggs don't have belly buttons

Why buttons on sleeves?

There are many different reasons why there are buttons on sleeves. Some people think buttons on sleeves look good, or they could have had other ideas while designing the piece of clothing.

Why do some pregnant women's belly buttons appear to pop out then not pop out every few minutes?

It depends on the movement of the baby.

How many buttons does an alto saxophone have?

some are different but mine has 21.

Are humans the only ones with belly buttons?

It is not without question that everyone should have a navel, but supermodel Karolina Kurkova does not have one, some people put this down to plastic surgery but she will not speak of the reason why she does not have one.

Do ponies have belly buttons?

Ponies, like all horses are placental mammals. ANd all placental mammals have bellybuttons of some sort.

When does a pregnant woman's belly button start to stick out?

That very much depends on your body/belly button type, how big you get and when you 'pop'. Some women have their belly buttons pop out as early as 14 weeks! Some women don't have it happen until their third trimester. It also changes; your belly button can pop a bit, and then kind of even out with your belly not seem as big since the belly is huge.

What is a bird's butt made of?

Yes. All mammals, sans marsupials and rare egg-layers, have belly buttons. Belly buttons are simply remnants of the umbilical cords. Humans' belly buttons are pretty noticeable, but dogs' belly buttons are small scars that are usually covered in fur.

What is the meaning of the buttons on a wedding dress?

There are different kinds of wedding dresses, among those there are also some wedding dresses with the buttons in it.

Does hot topic pierce belly buttons?

They don't perform any type of body piercing, aside from some locations offer ear piercing with the purchase of jewelry.