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It is hard to understand why some people would believe that there is no imortance in Jesus' resurrection. Whether or not the resurrection really happened, it is important as the very basis for Christian belief.

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Q: Why do some people say there is no importance in Jesus' resurrection?
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What happen to Jesus after the resurrection?

The author traditionally known as Luke says that Jesus rose bodily to heaven. In the Gospel of Luke, this occurred near Bethany on the evening of his resurrection. In Acts of the Apostles, written some time later, Jesus rose bodily to heaven after forty days. All the gospels in their present form also say that Jesus was seen at least once by the disciples and by some women.

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What religious groups believes that Jesus was just a man until his resurrection?

Some Unitarian Universalists, Jehovah's Witnesses, and some Muslims believe that Jesus was just a man until his resurrection. They do not believe in the traditional Christian concept of Jesus as both fully human and fully divine.

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According to Christian belief, Jesus ascended into heaven once, 40 days after his resurrection. This event is known as the Ascension and is celebrated by Christians as a significant event in the life of Jesus.

How do Jesus' life death and resurrection make our lives meaningful and relevant?

OpinionIt is hard to say just how Jesus' life, death and resurrection make our lives meaningful and relevant. After all, people had meaningful and relevant lives long before the time of Jesus. Moreover, many non-believers also haVE meaningful and relevant lives, even today. Perhaps some Christians feel they can not have a sense of purpose in life without their religion.