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Everyone wants abortions to be no more but in many circumstances it should be woman's choice because it is not a baby, not aware and feel nothing. It's embryonic or fetal tissue. No reason why her life should be ruined and make her go through a huge trauma of having a child she does not want whether she leaves it for adoption or not. Adopting a child away is a big trauma as well. Haivng a early abortion is easier since it's not a child yet.

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Q: Why do some people support abortions?
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How do mccain and Obama feel about abortions?

Many peeps say Obama if in support of abortions and McCain is against them. But as a matter of fact, neither of them support abortions, but, Obama thinks that they sould be legal. McCain thinks that an abortion should be illegal, and not the woman's choice.

Does Obamacare support abortions?

Obamacare will not pay for abortions unless for health reasons which has always been available. The rules about abortion will not change.

What is the name given to those who support abortions?

I think you mean:abortionistsabortion activists

Will a health clinic offer abortions?

Some clincs do, Planned Parent hood offers abortions at some of their clincs.

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Do you support abortions?

I wish it was never necessary and no children was unwanted and I support her choice to decide what to do with her body within the limit of viability.

Why is china one child policy was criticized by people in other nations?

it forces abortions and some female newborns to get killed.

Does march of dimes support abortions?

No they don't. If you are referring to them supporting Planned Parenthood it's because they serve breast cancer patients. Only a small % of PPL service are abortions. About 1% of all they do.

What is the definition of valence issue?

An issue that is uniformly liked or disliked among the electorate, as opposed to a position issue on which opinion is divided. An example would be corruption: most people oppose corruption, while, say, the issue of the legalization of abortions would not be a valence issue: opposition and support for abortions is split.

Does Snapple support abortions?

They don't take sides. They realize it's bad for business to do so in a controversial issue.

Can you do a survey on people who have had abortions and then have a child with autism or visa versa?

YOU can do that survey, WA does not provide that kind of service. Although there is no link between autism and abortions.

Why do people have abortaions?

People have abortions for many reasons. Most abortions are because the other cannot afford to raise the child or does not or cannot handle the responsibility of raising a child. Many abortions are preformed because of medical issues where the mother's life would be endangered y continuing the pregnancy.