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They all float (on the mantle), some just float lower than others. The main reason is what they're made of; all plates have a high percentage of silica in them, but those with more aluminium than magnesium (continental plates) float higher than those with more magnesium (ocean floor plates) because they're less dense.

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Q: Why do some tectonic plates sink while others float?
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What triggers the earthquake?

Earth is made up of many tectonic plates. When these plates shift, earthquakes happen. The tectonic plates are always moving, but most of the earthquakes are tremors (depends on how close you are to the place the tectonic plates are shifting).

What are the harm of tectonic plates?

While the movement of the tectonic plates can cause earthquakes, without them life on earth would not exist as we know it. The fact that Earth has tectonic plates that move has resulted in the planet ws we know it so there can be NO harm from our perspective.

What makes an earthquake?

Tectonic plates shifting around while bumping into another tectonic plate. When the plates slide pass each other, it creates a transform boundary which makes earthquakes.

What makes Earthquakes happened?

Tectonic plates shifting around while bumping into another tectonic plate. When the plates slide pass each other, it creates a transform boundary which makes earthquakes.

How volcaneos form?

Most volcanoes are formed by the movement of tectonic plates on the surface of the earth. These plates are basically huge pieces of rock that 'float' on the mantle (a layer of the earth that is sort-of liquid rock). The tectonic plates are in constant motion, albeit very slow motion. They sometimes move toward each other, other times they'll move apart, and still other times one will sink while the other rises above it.

What happens where tectonic plates move part?

An earthquake. But while this happens the magma fills the gap.

How do volcanoes erupt and how are they formed?

Most volcanoes are formed by the movement of tectonic plates on the surface of the earth. These plates are basically huge pieces of rock that 'float' on the mantle (a layer of the earth that is sort-of liquid rock). The tectonic plates are in constant motion, albeit very slow motion. They sometimes move toward each other, other times they'll move apart, and still other times one will sink while the other rises above it.

How is plate tectonic theory different from continental drift theory?

They are actually part of the "same" theory. Seafloor spreading and subduction are the driving forces of continental drift. Pangaea was the Earth's only continent 4 billion years ago. Tectonic plates are small plates, while continent drift is several tectonic plates moving as a mass (continent). There are 21 large plates and dozens of smaller ones.

What is the process by which hot material from deep within the earth rises while cooler material by the surface sinks?

this is due to tectonic plates that means movement of plates

What is the difference between cataclysm and earthquake?

Cataclysm is the end of the world while and earthquake is just the tectonic plates shifting.

What is the process which hot material from deep within the earth rises while cooler material near the surface sinks?

this is due to tectonic plates that means movement of plates

What stress occurs when two tectonic plates collide?

When two tectonic plates collide, it is called compressional stress at convergent boundaries. Rocks and plates usually have stronger compressional strength than tensional strength (which would happen at divergent boundaries). This means the higher the likelihood of developing mountains for continent-continent convergence or being subducted for oceanic-oceanic/oceanic-continental boundaries.