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why do girls like Asian boys? Simple , you just feel attracted to them , own personal tastes and what not

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Q: Why do some white guys like Asian girls?
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Why do Asian guys seem like they don't like white girls?

Asian Guys most definitely like White Girls.

Would some Asian girls like lazy white guys?

Yea some Asian girls will like lazy white guys it is all what clicks between the two

Do European girls like Asian guys?

everyone have their own preference. so, yes there are white girls who like Asian guys and there are who don"t.

Do Asian guys like white girls who are not blonde and not very slim?

i think -yes! I am Asian male and I like all white girl and I find very sexy as do all other Asian guys

Does white girls like Asian guys?

YesyesYes. They can. Some Asian guys also are interested into Whites, Blacks, Hispanic you name it. It just happens. :)

Why do some white guys get nervous around Asian girls?

It has been proven that around 89% of guys want girls to make the first move. These white guys has probably brought up in a place with either too much Asian girls or too less Asian girls. With too less Asian girls, they may be confused on how to confront them and what they like in a guy. With too many Asian girls, the white guy may expect too much and that will also lead to confusion and nervousness.

Do Asian guys like mixed girls like White and Black?

Some Asian guys often will often date Caucasian or Black American girls or other races as well. It is also true that some Asian men are fascinated with blond haired girls because their race has dark haired girls.

Asian guys how they look like.. in the eyes of white girls?

Depends on the guy. Ususally pretty cute, though.

Do some Asian girls like tanned white guys?

Yes. some will.who cares what colour they are!LOL!!!

Do Asian guys like curvy white girls?

yeah.. Asians are attracted to White girls even if they're Slim with Curves (Curvy) or just Slim or Fat..! but White girls are not Attracted to them S:

Do Asian girls like lazy guys?

Heck no.

Why do Asian girls like white guys?

because they think we are sexy << not just because they think your sexy. they don't really have a reason to LIKE someone. Its just like an Asian girl liking an Asian guy, and a white girl liking a white guy. I believe anyone can like anyone and not have to look at their ethnicity to decide who they like. I'm asian and the only thing I look for in a guy is if they like me for who I am, and I don't need to change to impress him. I don't take into account if he is white, asian, etc. I would like a guy for who he is.