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There isreally no answer for that in fact all I can say is that, that is simply stereotyping. Bringing peace in to this world took centuries and we are still on that mission. As for people that live in the western side of the world are most likely to live in a multicultural country in which people are not judged by skin colour but by the culture they may descent from or the religion they belong to.

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Q: Why do some white people say the ancient Egyptians are brown and not black when most people who are consider black are actually various shades of brown?
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The ancient Egyptians had a form of pictorial writing called hieroglyphs. The hieroglyphs were various pictures that stood for single letter sounds or the sounds of multiple letters put together.The name of the Ancient Egyptian writing system is called "hieroglyphics."These were pictographs, picture symbols that could represent letter sounds, words and phrases.Hieroglyphics.Hieroglyphics.

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How do you use the word hieroglyphics in a sentence?

The ancient Egyptian civilization used hieroglyphics as their writing system, which consisted of various symbols and images to convey meaning. Today, archaeologists and scholars study hieroglyphics to better understand the culture and history of ancient Egypt.

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Where did onion come from?

Traces of the use of onions have been found in Bronze Age settlements, as far back as 5000BC. The ancient Greeks and Ancient Egyptians used onions, even as a medicine. Other than that, origins not certainOnions were actually a wild root that grows in various places. The Indians found them and their potent odor and flavor. They used them to flavor their foods.