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Just because some girls have more hair then others but they don't alot but some girls do

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Q: Why do some women grow hair on there chest?
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Related questions

Do girls like chest hair?

Different women have different tastes; probably about half of women prefer some chest hair on men--and some of them even prefer LOTS of chest hair.

What foods will stimulate hair growth on my chest?

None; chest hair and body hair are determined by genetics and age and by nothing else. If the adult men in your family have chest hair, then you probably will get some too--though in many men chest hair doesn't grow in, or grow in fully, until their 30s.

When you wax chest hair how long does it take to grow back?

may be it takes a week or 10 days, but why do u do waxing, do you have more hair on chest, you can go for some hair removal solutions

How do you grow chest hair faster?

theres probably some special hormones you can get, ask your doctor :)

Why hair will not grow in heroine armpits?

Hair does grow in women's armpits, but many choose to shave it or have it removed some other way.

Do women like men with chest hair?

Many women do; many women don't. It's totally a matter of taste. If you have chest hair, then you'll naturally attract women who like it; if you don't, you'll naturally attract women who like smooth chests. Some women do ; BUT we absolutely as a sex, hate BACK HAIR; if you have any guys, please get to the laser clinic today and get it removed...

Where is some places on a mans body that they grow hair that others don't?

back, head, face, chest, ears

Women hairy chest?

Some woman have a hairy chest. Amounts of hair vary based on genes, removal methods used, and amount of testosterone in their body.

Does waxing of chest hair cause it to grow faster?

No, this is a myth. Regular waxing over time will actually make the hair grow in more thinly, though this may not be evident for some time (years).

Can women grow beards?

Yes!! some lady grew the longest female beard of about four inches?

Can men's hair grow as long as women's hair?

Yes, some girls find long haired men attractive.

Does men hair grow slower than women hair?

I have heard that, but it I think no. Men have to cut their hair a lot, because it grows back so fast. If some women had that problem, they would be happy!! (me) ;)