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Q: Why do spider long legs (the spider one) walk so slowly?
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What special thing does a spider monkey have?

While not unique to spider monkeys, the long prehensile tail is unusually developed in the spider monkey, and it can use its tail to stand and walk upright on two legs.

How do Japanese spider crabs travel?

They walk very, VERY slowly.

How do you walk slowly in ultimate spider man game?

you can't you can only do it with a joystick I hope this info. is usefull.

Does a sand spider have knobby joints?

The spiders do have knobby joints. They u's them to walk when they bend their eight legs

How long to walk a quarter of a mile?

This really depends on ur foot size. Also it can depend on your hight, weight, and physical fitness. If you are short with short legs, your legs will not stretch and make as long strides as a tall person with very long legs. So, if you really want to know how long it takes to walk a quarter of a mile, I'd walk a quarter of a mile with a stopwatch to calculate the EXACT time it takes for you, an individual, to walk a quarter of a mile.

What is the locomotion for the flamingo?

they fly and walk on their long legs

What has 50 legs but cannot walk?

A really long table.

Why don't kangaroos walk?

Kangaroos do walk, but in a way quite different from the gait of other mammals. They cannot walk in the conventional manner because of the way their body and legs are shaped. When moving slowly, however, kangaroos do have a form of walking. They support themselves with their front legs and tail while they pull their hind legs along.

What kind of spider is black with a red stripe on it's back and lives in Arizona?

A black spider that has a red stripe on the back is possibly a red spotted ant mimic spider. They walk on six legs instead of eight and can be found in Arizona.

Is a daddy long leg spider venomous?

There is a species of spider called the 'Cellar Spider', which is known as 'Daddy Long Legs' to many, but there are two other species with the same name, one is an insect (Crane Fly) and one is the Harvestman (an arachnid, but not a spider).

Does the turtles walk or crawl?

Walk-although very slowly would be a better term. Crawl would imply it is on it's hands and knees or doesn't have legs like a snake or snail.

What is the name of a baby spider?

its a spider that has just been born and is tiny also has 8 legs and 2 eyes for seeing and are not able to catch there pray or walk when born till they grow up a little.