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Q: Why do spiral galaxies have a bulge from which several arms come out?
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What is the shape of a Spiral Galaxy?

Spiral galaxies are named for the (usually two armed) spiral structures that extend from the centre into the disk.The spiral arms are sites of ongoing star formation and are brighter than the surrounding disk because of the young, hot stars.See related link for a pictorial representation.

What are the spiral arms the site of?

Spiral arms are parts of galaxies - both the galaxies and their spiral arms are huge, by our everyday standards. Spiral arms basically contain most of what the galaxies contain - including stars, dust, gas.

A galaxy with a bulge at its center and spiral arms?

A spiral galaxy or barred galaxy, the milky way is one.

WHere are global clusters found?

In spiral arms of spiral galaxies

Where can the Fibonacci spiral be found in the real world?

Arms of spiral galaxies.

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These galaxies have arms winding outward from inner regions?

They are called Spiral Galaxies or Barred Galaxies.

Are lenticular galaxies lens-shaped?

Yes, lenticular galaxies are lens-shaped. They will not have spiral arms.

What galaxies have arms winding outward from inner region?

Spiral galaxies and spiral means other body parts that stick out and move.

What do spiral galaxies have a nucleus of?

A spiral galaxy nucleus contains a mass of stars in a "bulge" and is thought that many contain supermassive black holes at the very core of the nucleus.-In galaxies with tightly wound spiral arms the bulge generally contains old, red stars with low metal content (called population II stars); whereas galaxies with more loose arms generally have younger, blue stars (called population I stars). Some bulges have similarities to the elliptical galaxies and others are similar to disk galaxies.-Evidence of supermassive black holes have been discovered in many galaxies and theorized to exist in many more galaxies (at least the larger ones). Our own Milky Way Galaxy contains a supermassive black hole at its core.

What is the type of galaxy that has a nucleus of bright stars with arms that circles around it?

All types of galaxies have a core with a high star density. All galaxies with "arms" are called Spiral Galaxies, of which there are sub-types related to the shape of the arms.

What do the arms of spiral galaxies contain?

(Atoms) Stars, Dust.