

Why do stick beans plants grow up a stick?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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The stick supports the plant

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Q: Why do stick beans plants grow up a stick?
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How big does a bean plant grow to be?

The plants of green beans, yellow (wax) beans, soup beans, and dry beans all come in two sizes: bush and pole. Bush beans grow 12-18" inches. Pole beans grow 5-6 feet and sometimes more. (Pea plants also come in two sizes, bush and pole. ) For more information about bean plants and varieties, try one of the good online seed catalogs: many have growing information.

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Plants do grow better upside down, but first you have to grow them right side up.

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Why does a plant start to grow up when it has been put on its side?

Plants have a complex set of hormones which control their growth and these hormones are responsible for the 'directional' growth of the plant. Simply put, plants will grow up when they are put on their side because 'up' is where the sun is and plants will always grow towards the sun.

Do all plants grow into trees?

no it differs from species some varieties of bamboos grow up to 2feets a day