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why do the sweat and oil glands get more active during puberty

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Q: Why do sweat and oil glands get more active during puberty?
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How many sweat glands become more active during puberty?

There is no way to know the exact number of sweat glands that become more active in puberty. There are two types of sweat glands, eccrine and apocrine. The eccrine sweat glands are for cooling the body and are active your entire life and are located just about all over your body. The apocrine sweat glands are the ones that occur in places like your arm pits, crotch, and peri-anal areas. They are the one that increase their secretions after the onset of puberty.

What gland beocmes active at puberty?

The apocrine sweat glands become active during puberty. They release a sweat that is very oily. This oil is degraded by bacteria that is normally present on the skin and gives off the typical "sweaty smell".

What causes sweaty feet?

During puberty your oil glands and sweat glands are more active so it causes them to be more sweaty :/ Hope I helped! :)

Why do teenagers sweat when they sleep?

Teenagers sweat more than normal, not just when they sleep. This is because about 3 million sweat glands become active during puberty.

Where are the sweat glands that develop during puberty?

That would be primarily the Pituitary gland in your brain. (pitt-OO-ih-tare-ee)

Are sweat glands that cause body odors during puberty present during birth?

Yep they are there when you are born but develop during puberty as teh testosterone & estrogen rises.

Which gland are responsible for odor and begin secreting at puberty?

Sweat glands are always working even when you are a child. but you sweat more during puberty and the sweat actually has no odor. It smells when it hits the bacteria on the skin.

Become more active at puberty?

sweat gland (apocrine)

What sweat gland functions after puberty?

All the sweat glands function after puberty. Only they may get bigger in size.

What are the 3 types of glands found in the skin and what are their function?

The skin of humans has two basic types of glands, sweat glands (sudoriferous) and oil glands (sebacious). The sweat glands come in two varieties, the eccrine glands produce sweat all over our bodies, but the apocrine glands only become active during puberty and give us body odor. These aromatic apocrine glands are concentrated in the armpits and the genital regions.i dont know lol plzzz someone answer this question

Which type of gland opens into hair follicles and secretes sweat after puberty?

The type of gland that opens into hair follicles and secretes sweat after puberty is called the apocrine gland. These glands are found predominantly in the armpits and pubic region and produce a thicker, more odorous sweat compared to the eccrine sweat glands found throughout the body. Apocrine glands are influenced by hormonal changes that occur during puberty, leading to increased sweating and body odor.

Do apocrine sweat glands first develop at puberty?

The first gland id the testis. The sweat glands grow after they get the increased testosterone.