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Q: Why do teeth become crowded as people age?
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How did stone age people eat?

They hunted for their food. =================== Like people today, stone age people had teeth. They ate with their teeth.

At what age do people become deaf?

People can become deaf at any age, age is not a deciding factor

What can the teeth tell you about the dead?

they can tell you the age of dead people

If wisdom teeth cause your teeth to get crooked Do your teeth get straight after you get your wisdom teeth extractions?

Not necessarily. Teeth tend to become more crowed as we age, especially the lower front teeth. This happens in some people regardless of whether they have wisdom teeth or not. Therefore, removing the wisdom teeth, solely for the purpose of hoping to get naturally straighter teeth, won't work.

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Why do grannies have false teeth?

As people age, various parts of their bodies wear out. Many people lose their teeth as a result of aging, and in order to be able to chew their food they can replace the lost teeth with false teeth.

Can you get wisdom teeth at age 52?

Yes, actually it is quite common. Wisdom teeth can make an appearance at any age, even much later than 32 year old. Wisdom teeth more often that not, will cause pain, infection and other issues that lead to removal being necessary.

How can you best estimate the age of a border collie?

One way to tell the approximate age of a border collie is by their teeth. If they have all their adult teeth and the teeth are bright white, the dog is probably approximately one to two years old. As a dog ages, their teeth become stained and worn. It is an estimate on the age of a dog because a dog who aggressively chews may have worn down teeth when only a couple of years old.

Why did ice age people become extinct?

because of the ice age

Why do dogs start to become inactive and not as playful as they were when they were puppies?

Dogs will become inactive as they get older. Its just old age. But have their teeth checked - sometimes it is tooth pain.

How does the color of my ferret's teeth tell its age?

The age of a ferret may be determined by the teeth, they start to become translucent at the tip of the canines, and as they get older, more of each tooth is translucent. But this may not always be true if the ferret was fed improper food or malnourished.

How can someone become smarter in middle age?

People are not going to become smarter in their middle age, but people can always become more educated and can learn to use their intelligence more effectively, no matter what age they are (at least, as long as they are not suffering from Alzheimer's Disease, and that would be unusual in middle age).