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It is not uncommon for you to experience discomfort in your mouth when you're sick.

The most typical cause of this is related to sinus type illnesses that cause congestion or sinus inflammation. Some of the nerves for your upper teeth are located very near your sinus cavities and as a result inflammation in the sinuses can actually cause pressure on those nerves.

Additionally some illnesses can also cause irritation to the gums.

Another confusing element of tooth pain when sick is that the brain may translate your tooth pain from the actual source in your upper teeth to your bottom teeth instead. You may even experience the sensation that the pain "moves around" between the upper and lower teeth.

This is normal and can be very effectively controlled by using standard OTC pain killers. Most cold medicines will actually include acetaminophen as part of their formula.

Signs to watch for are if the pain is throbbing or sharp, or if your teeth are exceptionally sensitive to hot or cold, or if pressure (from biting down or touching the tooth) causes a significant increase in pain. If any of those conditions are present contact your dentist immediately.

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It means your sinuses may be infected.

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