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"Bloody hell" is a British expression used to express surprise, frustration, or annoyance. The word "bloody" is considered a mild swear word in British English, and when combined with "hell," it intensifies the emotion being conveyed.

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Q: Why do the English say bloody hell?
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Do English people still say bloody a lot or is that a slang word that isn't used anymore?

Yes, English people still say 'bloody', and it is also common in Australia.

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It means:What the "hell" (hell=carajos in this case) did you say?

What does bloody hell mean?

It is an exclamation of surprise or frustration, predominately British - the closest English (American) translation to this is, "Aww S**t"! It is vulgar, but not horrible.An English (UK) term, usually a swear word, exclamation, or just as a substitute word.It can mean things like aww s*** or c*** mainly it is called a swear but some people otherwise.It's an expression primarily used in England that resembles our "What in the world?" "What in the bloody hell?"

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Bloody hell.

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Bloody Hell! The bloody corpse was found lying in the doorway. The bloody swords were sent to the smithy to be cleaned after the battle.

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Bloody Hell

Is Zach Franklin tubby?

bloody hell yes

How do you say helfer in German?

Helfer is a German word, it means "helper" in English. You pronounce it like "hell-fer" (the first syllable like the English word "hell").

Was someone stoned to death in lord of the flies?

Bloody hell they were