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They become larger and tender when you have a disease or infection

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Q: Why do the Lymph nodes become larger and tender?
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What do lymph nodes do Why do they sometimes become large and tender?

Lymph nodes filter out microorganisms and foreign materials that have been taken up by the lymphocytes. When your body fights an infection. lymphocytes fill the lymph nodes.

What do lymph nodes do and why do they sometimes become large and tender?

Lymph nodes filter out microorganisms and foreign materials that have been taken up by the lymphocytes. When your body fights an infection. lymphocytes fill the lymph nodes.

Why do lymph nodes sometimes become large and tender?

Because the tissue fluid cannot get back to the blood.

What caused my armpits to become tender?

Your arm pits may be tender due to a sensitivity to your deodorant. You also have lymph nodes in the area which can become tender and sensitive at the beginning of any sickness.

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Are small sub-centimeter lymph nodes of the neck abnormal?

No, small sub-centimeter lymph nodes of the neck is not always considered abnormal. There are some lymph nodes located in the neck that are larger than others, and they do not have to have pathogens in them.

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lymph nodes

What structures filter lymph?

tiny vessels

What are symptoms of Spirillary rat-bite fever?

The patient develops a fever. Lymph nodes in the area become swollen and tender, and the patient suffers from fever, chills, and headache

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What filters harmful substances from lymph?

Lymph nodes

Why do you have Weight loss swollen tender lymph nodes?

actually, you can have swollen lymph nodes from a sinus infection as well as other things. ANSWER: Your lymph nodes swell up as they stop bacteria that is carried through the bloodstream. They store this and release it in smaller quantities that the body can handle. Swollen lymph nodes are the first sign of an infection in the body. See the related link for more information.Infections cause increased lymphocyte production-APEX