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The prevailing reasons in the Left-Wing camp of America and most of the Western World hate the Republicans because the leaders of that party embrace religious fanaticism, promote racial/ethnic discrimination, promote corporatism over citizens' rights, and argue against science. It is this push against modernity and the placing of corporations, which have done many notably criminal activities, on a pedestal, that leads to resentment.

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14y ago

Because far too many Americans, especially those within the younger generation, associate the Republican Party with George W. Bush. Bush, politicallyabandoned the Republican platform of fiscal responsibility.

Too many people have also been taught bias in every single history class. Far too few Americans know what the Founding Fathers believed in, and a large block of the Republican Party (the party that is most closely associated with the principals of the Founding, ie: Limited Government, Lower Taxes, and Laissez-Faire Capitalism) has abandoned their principals for political gain.

People also don't like the fact the Republican Party is "Conservative." They think the world owes them something, whereas the Republican Party believes that man has all the answers to his problems, not the "all-powerful" government. A combination of bias education, stereotyping and lost history dealing with the foundation of America has brought the US political system, Left and Right, Republican and Democrat to a point of stagnation and degradation.

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12y ago

"Hate" is a pretty strong word. It is a very personal emotion and we are speaking here of political orientation. So "do not like" would probably fit better.

One answer is because they have solutions to problems ... not excuses. Another answer would be "because they are so much the same." It is a strange phenomena but folks similar politically tend to have less respect for one another than those who have vastly different views.

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11y ago

First, it is not accurate to say that all Republicans "hate" the president. Many like him personally but disagree with his politics. They disagree with him about the role of government or about social issues or about some of the policies he wants to enact. On the other hand, sadly, there are a small but very vocal group who do seem to strongly dislike, or even hate, the president. Some believe he is a Muslim (which he is not), others believe he is not really an American (which he is) and sad to say, some just don't like having a black president. But it should be noted that these groups of Republicans are perhaps 20% of the total electorate and do not reflect the vast majority of Republicans, for whom Mr. Obama is just somebody they disagree with politically.

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13y ago

"What goes around comes around."

Why were Democrats so hateful to George W Bush?

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That is a matter of personal opinion.

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