

Why do the ancient Egyptian write in hieroglyphics?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Because they thought comparing what they write to what they might see everyday was a good idea.

All writing in the modern sense derives from a picture script of one kind or another. Hieroglyphics was the Egyptian route,

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Hieroglyphics is a writing system, not a language. You can ask how to write this in hieroglyphics or how to say this in Ancient Egyptian.

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The correct spelling is "hieroglyphics" (ancient Egyptian pictographs).

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ad nd write. This was a very hard job as there were over 100 hieroglyphics to rememeber

What are hyroigliphics?

hieroglyphics are ancient Egyptian writing

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They are called Egyptian hieroglyphics in modern times. In ancient times, they were called "words of the gods"

What was the size of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics?

It really depends which hieroglyphics you're talking about.

What is the word for Egyptian writing where pictorial symbols were used?

they are called called hieroglyphics.