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Q: Why do the eagles and hawks show the effects of DDT?
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How did DDT not affect Eagles?

It did not improve their 'hatch-rate'.

What caused bald eagles to be enangered?

from the bug killers DDT

How did bald eagles recover?

Elimination of the use of DDT as a pesticide.

When were the bald eagles in danger?

A combination of being hunted as vermin to protect farmer's chickens, etc. (from late 1700s until recently) and the effects of DDT on their eggs which reduced the number of hatchlings dramatically (from 1950s until DDT was banned in most countries).

How did DDT enter the food chain?

DDT entered the food chain because it was in the water of the fish that bald eagles ate.

Why might people who understand DDT disagree to DDT?

DDT has toxic effects and remain longtime in soils and waters.

Why are bald eagles indangered?

The bald eagle was endangered because of the use of DDT it weakened the shell of the eagles and they would break so the babies could not develop. DDT almost destroyed the bald eagle. Now since DDT has been banned the Bald eagle has made a great comeback.

What is one of the diseases that makes bald eagles die?

DDT was a pesticide that was used to kill bugs on farms. But when pretadors of those bugs were eaten by other predators the level of DDT rose and made the Bald Eagles egg shells very thin and usually the bald eagle would die. DDT is now outlawed, but the levels of DDT are still in fish and insects.

What trophic level is most affected by environmental toxins such as DDT?

The answer is top predators.

What are the effects of DDT?

DDT can make egg shells so thin that birds can't hatch their young.

Why are eagles dying?

from things like ddt, humans cutting down trees and pollution

How did the bald eagle die out?

DDT caused eggshells to be too brittle to hatch, and the eagles numbers plummeted..With the banning of DDT the population has rebounded to a point where they are no longer endangered.