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Q: Why do the ears of a fox point forward as sound detectives?
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Why do the ears of the fox point forward as sound detectors?

Foxes move their ears forward when they can hear a faint sound they try and hear the sound a little better so they can make out what it won a million pounds

Why do foxes ears point forwards as sounds detectors?

Ears of the fox point forward because they can pick up more sound with the sound waves coming directly into their ear lobes. The bigger the ears, the more sound the animal will pick up.Congratulations, you answered your own question. That is exactly what ears are for.senses

Why do foxes have pointed ears?

When a fox's ears move forward, just like when dogs move their ears forward, they're attempting to focus all of their ears to one spot. This helps them hear faint sounds, which for foxes mostly helps in hunting the small, skittish animals that make up their diet.

Why do the ears of a fox point forward as sound detectors?

Foxes move their ears forward when they can hear a faint sound they try and hear the sound a little better so they can make out what it won a million pounds

Why do fox ears point forward?

Foxes are predators and use their ears to find there praqy. you mean pray...........................................................................................................

Why do dogs ears go straight back what does this mean?

Dogs have good hearing, and move their ears forward to listen to what is in front of them. As they have forward facing eyes, this is often a point of interest - such as an owner or food. Generally, ears forward indicate friendliness and interest, but can also mean the dog is alert to danger and should not be taken as a friendly sign in an unknown dog.

How you hear sound?

In our ears the sound vibrates and makes the sound

What sound does a horse make when bushfire coming close?

The warning sound a horse would make in this situation is a loud blowing out, nostrils flared, eyes wide, ears forward and alert. This blowing sound will get the attention of any horse in the immediate vicinity.

Why do rabbets keep turning their big sound collecting ears?

Rabbits turn their ears to collect sound.

Why do rabbits keep turning their sound collecting ears?

why do rabbits keep their big sound collecting ears

Can a chicken hear sound?

they can hear sound in ears

What happens when sound reaches your ears?

you can hear A very complicated process of turning waves into sound occurs in your ears