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Q: Why do the number of bacteria increase downstream from the outflow?
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How does the number of insects that fall into the liquid affect the number of these useful bacteria?

the number of bacteria will increase if they amounts of bugs falling in increases

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What will happen to bacteria that is on food which has been left out in a warm kitchen?

They will increase in number.

Does the production of red blood cells increase when an infection is present?

When there is an infection the wbc will rise up in number.

Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times?

when you wear headphones, natural air can not pass in your ear. so, the production rate of bacteria in your ear increase by 700%. That is why, it is said that "wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 time". Exactly "At the beginning of the experiment, the typical headset had 60 microorganisms on its surface; after an hour's use of the headphones by a volunteer, that number went up to 650 - roughly 11, not 700, times more. "

What is an abnormal increase in WBC?

An abnormal increase in the number of WBCs can signal the sign of different conditions or issues in the body. These include infection, stress, inflammation or immune response to viruses or bacteria. It can also indicate the presence of leukemia.

What happens to the number of white blood cells when germs are in the body?

They will increase but not just when bacteria are in the body but tumors, viruses or any thing that is not supposed to be there. There are several types of white blood cells (WBCs) and an increase in each can tell what is wrong.

Bacteria greatly out number harmful bacteria?

Yes. Most bacteria is not harmful to us such as bacteria in a yogurt, but some bacteria is harmful.

How are bacteria effect human body?

Bacteria take over part of the internal mechanisms 'machinery' of the cell to produce more bacteria. In the process this disrupts the normal functioning of the cells and can even (or often) lead the death of the cells either as part of the life cycle of the bacteria or because vital functions of the cell are not being performed.

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Why can the number of bacteria increase rapidly in a short period of time?

Most of bacterias if not all are single celled organism, they can produce sexually or asexually (cloning). However most does tend to clone itself, this speeds up the reproductive cycle which allows them to multiply quickly.

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a number increase from 500 to 625 find the percentage increase