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The landowners want the tenant farmers to leave in "The Grapes of Wrath" because they want to increase profits by using modern agricultural methods that require fewer workers. They see the tenant farmers as obstacles to progress and are driven by greed and a desire for efficiency. The farmers are viewed as expendable in the face of mechanization and economic interests.

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Q: Why do the owners of the land want the tenant farmers to leave in The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck?
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In chapter 5what do the owners of the land suggest the tenant farmers do in The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck?

That the farmers must leave

In chapter 5 what do the owners of the land suggested the tenant farmers do?

In chapter 5 for The Grapes Of Wrath, the owners of the land suggest the tenant farmers to move to California.

In chapter 5 what do the owners of the land suggest the tenant farmers do?

In chapter 5 for The Grapes Of Wrath, the owners of the land suggest the tenant farmers to move to California.

What was john steinbeck's novel about tenant farmers during the great depression?

John Steinbeck's novel about tenant farmers during the Great Depression is "The Grapes of Wrath." It tells the story of the Joad family, who are forced to leave their farm in Oklahoma due to economic hardships and travel to California in search of a better life. The novel focuses on themes of poverty, labor exploitation, and the resilience of the human spirit.

In chapter 5 why do the owners of the land want the tenant farmers to leave?

here is the answer, Because the owners are losing money on tenant farmers. If I am wrong comment down below

What do the owners of the land suggest the tenant farmers do?

Work the land to pay the rent.

What do the owners of the land suggest the tenant farmers should do?

Work the land to pay the rent.

How did the technology hurt the tenant farmers in the movie Grapes of Wrath?

In the movie "Grapes of Wrath," technology hurt tenant farmers by leading to an oversupply of agricultural products, which brought down prices and reduced their income. Additionally, modern farming machinery displaced many workers, leaving them without jobs and pushing them further into poverty.

How were tenant farmers different from?

Tenant farmers used their own tools and animals

What is Steinbeck's purpose in presenting the scene in which the tractor goes through the dooryard of the tenants' house?

In "The Grapes of Wrath," Steinbeck uses the scene of the tractor going through the tenants' house to symbolize the destructive power of mechanization and capitalism on traditional ways of life. It serves to emphasize the displacement and loss experienced by the tenant farmers, highlighting the larger theme of societal injustices and the impact of industrialization on rural communities.

What crops did tenant farmers grow?

Tenant farmers grew a large variety of crops.

How were tenant farmers different from sharcroppers?

Tenant farmers used their own tools and animals