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because only people wear sheets and some horses but only the one who runs in races.

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Q: Why do the pigs sleep in the bed with no sheets in animal farm?
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What has happened to the rule regarding animals sleeping in beds Animal farm?

After pigs were discovered sleeping in a bed the commandment was changed from, "No animal shall sleep in a bed" to"No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets"

Who takes the supervisory position in Animal Farm?

The pigs were the supervisors in Animal Farm.

In Animal Farm how is the character Squealer sneaky?

Squealer represents the media. Squealer continually changes his story in order to get the animals to believe what Napoleon wants them to believe. Every time the animals think that things are not right, Squealer comes to tell them a new story that explains how everything is ok. For example, when the animals see the pigs breaking the "No Animal Shall Sleep in a Bed" commandment, Squealer alters the story slightly to "No Animal Shall Sleep in a bed with sheets" making the pigs in compliance with the rules of Animal Farm.

How is mistreatment used in Animal Farm?

One major way mistreatment is used in Animal Farm is that the pigs and dogs get to sleep in an extra hour, get the milk and apples, and are generally favoured over the other animals.

What animal are increasing in number in Animal Farm?

the pigs

In Animal Farm where did the pigs move to?

They moved to the farm house

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What do the pigs lie about in Animal Farm?


What did they do when the farmer was gone in Animal Farm?

the pigs took over the farm

What part do the pigs play in harvest in ''Animal Farm''?

"Animal Farm "is a classic novel about farm animals. The pigs play the role of directing other animals once the harvest begins.

What do the pigs now carry in their trotters in animal farm?

pigs who were supervising the work of the farm all carried whips in their trotters.

What is the fattest farm animal?

Your ma Cows and pigs.