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because of the land & sea breeze

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Jace Vandervort

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Q: Why do the places near the sea have moderate climate?
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How does sea affect the climate of coastal areas?

Places near the sea or ocean are ussually cooler than places further inland.

Why do the places close to the sea experience moderate climate?

Places close to the sea experience moderate climates because water has a high specific heat capacity and moderates temperature changes. The sea can absorb and release heat more slowly than land, regulating temperatures in coastal areas. This results in milder summers and winters compared to inland locations.

What is the marine type of climate?

A marine climate is typically characterized by mild temperatures year-round, due to the moderating influence of the nearby ocean. It often experiences high humidity and consistent precipitation, with wet winters and drier summers. Marine climates are common along coastal regions with cool ocean currents.

Why kanya kumari experience equable climate?

Kanyakumari experiences an equable climate due to its geographical location at the southernmost tip of the Indian subcontinent, surrounded by the Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal, and the Indian Ocean. This proximity to water bodies helps moderate temperature fluctuations and brings about uniform temperatures throughout the year.

What type of climate benefits from sea breezes that help keep temperatures down?

A maritime climate benefits from sea breezes that help keep temperatures down. The sea breeze brings cooler air from the ocean, which helps moderate temperatures in coastal areas, making them milder compared to inland regions.

Related questions

Why do places near the sea experience moderate climate through out the year?

Places near the sea experience moderate climate due to the water's ability to retain heat, which helps regulate temperature variations. The ocean acts as a heat sink, absorbing heat during the day and releasing it at night, creating more stable temperatures. Additionally, sea breezes help to moderate temperatures by bringing in cooler air from the water.

How does sea affect the climate of coastal areas?

Places near the sea or ocean are ussually cooler than places further inland.

How does the sea and mountains influence Japans climate?

places near the sea or ocean get more rain fall than places further inland

How does oceans and seas affects the climate of coastal areas?

Places near the sea or ocean are ussually cooler than places further inland.


Places near the sea or ocean are ussually cooler than places further inland.

What is equable climate?

An equable climate refers to a region where there is minimal variation in temperature throughout the year. This type of climate is characterized by moderate temperatures and a lack of extreme heat or cold. Equable climates are typically found in coastal areas or regions with maritime influences.

Why is The temperature near sea remains moderate?

Sea contain very huge quantity of water. It takes lot of heat to raise the temperature of water. The land gets heated easily. In that case the hot air goes up. It is replaced by the relatively cool air from the sea. So the temperature near sea remains moderate.

Why do the places close to the sea experience moderate climate?

Places close to the sea experience moderate climates because water has a high specific heat capacity and moderates temperature changes. The sea can absorb and release heat more slowly than land, regulating temperatures in coastal areas. This results in milder summers and winters compared to inland locations.

Why does the places close to he sea have a moderate temperature?

Because i farted

Why are some places near the sea?

The sea has a border which is called the coastline. Some places are near this remarkable area, or part of it, and hence near the sea.

Why is Mumbai is cooler than delhi?

Because Mumbai is near the sea. They have sea breeze and land breeze and have high humidity so places near the sea<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> usually have temperatures that remain fairly constant throughout the year. They have what is known as a moderate or continental climate. In contrast to this, Delhi is far away from the sea. There is no moderating influence of the sea in Delhi. In the summers, the ground temperature rises very high and this heats up the air. In winters, the ground temperature falls and the air is also cold. This is called an extreme climate.

Why places near the sea have high humidity?

Places near the sea have high humidity because the seawater evaporates into the air.