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The reasons are the same as why a bird's eye view of your house would be different from the front or side elevations.

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Q: Why do the same galaxies can appear to have different shapes to different observers?
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Why the galaxy can appear to have different shapes to different observers?

Becouse people have different eyes and telescopes

Why the same galaxy can appear to have different shapes to different observers?

It can appear to have different shapes because of the viewers point of view. Also Parallax can have an affect on it! Google it for further research look up Galaxy Parallax. Glad I Could help! Another opinion: All observers see the same shape of any galaxy, and no galaxy exhibits parallax, as long as we're talking about observations taken anywhere in our solar system.

Are all galaxies the same size?

All galaxies are different sizes and mainly four different shapes,spiral,barred spiral,elliptical and irregular

Are all of the galaxies in the universe the same?

No. They come in different sizes and different shapes, and have other differences as well.

What shapes do irregular galaxies have?

Irregular galaxies have no discernible shape.

What shapes of galaxies do contain H II regions?

Spiral and irregular galaxies.

What does different galaxies look like?

Different galaxies have different shapes and sizes according to how many stars are in each. The best way to actually see them "up close" is by looking at images (some amazing ones are taken by the Hubble telescope).

Why the same galaxy's can appear to have different shapes to observe?

Becouse people have different eyes and telescopes

What are the 4 main galaxy shapes?

There are various ways of categorising galaxies, often based on Edwin Hubble's work on the shapes galaxies. Classifications often give the four main types of galaxies as: Spiral (including barred spiral), Elliptical, Lenticular and Irregular.

Galaxies are classified by their shape what are they called?

There are three types of galaxies, all of which are the same, with the exception of their shapes. There are the Elliptical galaxies (football-shaped) the Spiral galaxies (like the Milky way; vortex-shaped) and Irregular galaxies (all shapes other than spiral and football shaped).

Do all 100 billion galaxies come in all shapes sizes and colors?

Yes. All 100 billion galaxies come in all shapes, sizes, and colors.

Will astronomers classify all the shapes of the 100 billion galaxies in the universe?

There's an impossible way to classify all the shapes of 100 billion galaxies in the universe.