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they are actually there in order to make a higher pitch making it sound higher. on the other hand, the thicker ones make a lower sound

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Q: Why do the thinner strings on a guitar make a different sound?
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Why is a does a thick string on a guitar make a lower pitched sound?

Thicker strings vibrate slower than the thinner strings. of course it changes when you press down on fret.

Do the center strings on a guitar make a higher or lower pitch than the outside strings?

well, the center stings are in the middle of the pitch. The ones above it (nearer your head as you play) are lower. The ones beow it are higher.

How do the strings effect pitch on an instrument?

the different tautness helps make different sounds like a guitar. tighter strings = higher sound

Why do different strings make different pitches?

Guitar strings sound diffrent simply because of the diffrent manufacturers manufacturing different guitar strings. An experienced guitar player knows the manufacturers ID (which is usually written on the guitar string package) and only buys guitar strings from that specific manufacturer. Of course there are other factors explaining how diffrent guitar string manufactuers make their guitar strings, but that starts getting to complicated.

If you put duct tape on your guitar will the sound be different?

If you put it over the strings or pickups it will have a bigger effect on an electric guitar, on an acoustic it will deaden the sound if applied to the sound board.

How does sitar produce sound?

By sending vibrations through the strings and into the hole where it is amplified. very similar to the guitar just with different strings.

How do you know when you have to change guitar strings?

When your strings begin to sound "dull".

How is sound made by a guitar?

the strings vibrate and sound is made.

What sound does a guitar produce?

The guitar produces a sinusoidal wave referred to as a tone. The pitch of the tone can be adjusted by pressing different frets and plucking different strings.

How do string instruments make sound?

Different string instruments have different ways to make sound. Pianos hit the strings with a felt covered "Hammer", a Guitar creates a sound when the guitar player plucks a string. Either way, each string instrument makes sound by the vibration of the string.

Do the frets on a guitar make the sound?

The frets don't nessicarily make the noise, but the tension on the frets as you get higher on the fretboard is what makes the noise. It's the strings that make the sound. They vibrate when you pluck them producing a sound. The sound is amplified in the body of the guitar(acoustic guitar). The frets enable you to vary the length of the strings thus making them produce a different sound.

What is the middle of a guitar called?

Guitar has three main parts: guitar body, neck, and a head. Guitar head has tuning pegs which are used to tighten the strings. Guitar neck has frets which are used to shorten the string and produce different pitches. Guitar body is where the sound is produced. Guitar body has three main parts: the top (soundboard), back, and sides. The top has additional different parts: sound hole (a cutout in the body through which the sound comes out), rosette (does not have any sound-producing purpose, but ornaments the sound hole), bridge (holds the strings on the lower side), and saddle (transfers the vibrations from the strings to the soundboard).