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Q: Why do these materials completely dissolve in liquid?
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Does the temperature of the liquid affect how materials dissolve in it?

Yes, the higher the temperature, the faster materials dissolve in the given liquid

What are soluble and insoluble materials?

Substances which can be dissolved in a solvent are said to be soluble in that solvent.For ExampleSugarSaltbaking powderwashing sodathese are in soluble in water.

Why does solid materials dissolved in liquid materials?

Materials dissolve in water due to its unique polarity. It contains an uneven distribution of its electrons, causing it to "look for" other elements to bond with. This makes it easy for materials to dissolve in water.

What does soluble and insoluble mean?

Materials like salt and sugar will dissolve in the water and are called soluble as they dissolve completely in the water, where as substances that do not dissolve in water like sand are called insoluble materials.

Which liquid can dissolve diamond?

No room temperature liquid can dissolve diamond.

What can dissolve in liquid?

something that can be dissolve in liquid is called soluble. if the solute can dissolve in the solvent, it is called a solution

What solid materials can be dissolve in alcohol?

ice at its solid state when dissolved in water turns to its liquid state

Why is a solution like an element?

When a liquid is able to completely dissolve in another liquid the two liquids are miscible. Two substances that can never mix to form a solution are called immiscible.

When you dissolve a substance in a liquid do you get an alloy compound or a solution?

When you dissolve a substance in a liquid you get a solution.

What does a solid and liquid make?

it depends on the solubility of the solid in that specific liquid. If the solid is highly soluble, then it should dissolve completely forming a solution, possibly coloured. If it is not, then it will just sit in the liquid.

When minerals dissolve in a liquid does it evaporate or melt?


What happen when liquid mixed with solid?

If the solid is soluble (can dissolve) then it will dissolve in the liquid and give you a solution.