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Q: Why do they celebrate the pamplona bull run in Spain?
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Which conntry can you run with the bulles?

You can take part in the Pamplona bull run, which is in the middle of Navarre, in the north of Spain.

In which countrycan you run with the bulls?

Pamplona Spain

What happens in July in Pamplona Spain?

They have the running of the bulls it's where they run the bulls

What country can you 'run the bull?

Although Pamplona is the most popular city where running with the bulls can be done, many towns all over Spain hold summer festivities in which running with bulls is part of the fun. Check the www for other towns and dates, where you can enjoy this activity in a less crowded ambiance than in Pamplona

How many bull are in running with the bulls in Spain?

Each morning from the 7th through the 14th of July, six fighting bulls and six steers run in the encierro during Pamplona's Fiesta de San Fermín.

In which country can you 'run with the bull's'?

In Africa

What happens in a pamplona bull run?

At bull runs people run in front of a small group of bulls on a sectioned off street. It is a very dangerous practice and it's protested by many animal rights groups.

What is the most unusual sport in Spain?

One of the the most typical sports played in the Spanish speaking world is soccer. There are two sports that are popular in Spain but not so common in the rest of the world: bullfighting and jai alai.

How many miles is the running of the bulls?

The run in Pamplona, Spain, is 826 meters (903 yards) and takes about 4 minutes to complete.

What do they do at La Fiesta De San Fermin?

its a festival that takes place in pamplona, navarre Spain and its basically bull fighting and people wearing red and white outfits to atttract the bulls and when they have the bulls attention they run away from them bit silly i would say

Who celebrates the Spanish bull run?

Spanish people in Spain

Do they kill bulls after bull run in Spain?

Yes they get killed