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to make a Lulua tribal mask you have to buy clay, bright paint, glue gun ,beads, and 50 dollars worth of hairspray. then, you mold the clay into the shape you want and you bake it at 350 degrees. then you take it out and paint it with the bright colors. after that you glue all the beada on your beautiful mask. Finally, you spray all of the hairspray all over the mask to keep everything in place.

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Tribal masks have potrait of their god.

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Why are Lulua masks made?

The African Lulua Masks are described in this linkPlease related link below.

How are the Lulua masks made?

Africa but im not sure where in Africa .

What does the lulua African mask symbolize?

Lulua African masks are believed to symbolize various concepts such as ancestral spirits, protection, and power. They are also seen as a representation of social hierarchy and cultural identity within the Lulua community in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Who wore tribal masks?

A dancer or someone special would wear these masks because the tribal masks were an important thing in certain beliefs or regilion.

Can you take tribal masks into Entrana?

Yes, you can. Tribal masks don't give any stat bonuses, but the tribal shields do. Personally, I wouldn't buy one anyways.

What are tribal masks made of?

Tribal masks are made of plaster, wood, clay, and even bone. They are decorated with inks and paint, feathers, and beads.

Where can you get replica of tribal masks?

You can find tribal mask replicas at tribal based stores. These venues usually carry a wide assortment of original and replica masks. They also carry beads, necklaces, tribal medicines, and so much more.

What are African tribal masks made from?

the African headdress

What tribe used the lulua mask?

lulua tribe

How were African masks discovered?

African tribal masks were found by early 1800's pioneers and archaeologists. They often collected the masks of sold them for profit.

When was Bashar Lulua born?

Bashar Lulua was born in 1963.

What is the lulua mask used for?

The Lulua mask is a traditional African mask founded by the Lulua people.