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To create a handhold to allow the climber to ascend up steep or vertical cliff faces.

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Q: Why do they need ice picks to climb up a mountain?
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Where is the creature in ice planet on poptropica?

Climb to the top of the ice mountain and talk to the knight. Watch out- the sabertoothed helicopter is there!

What special training do you need to climb mount Everest?

It is said the Mount Everest is not a technical mountain to climb but you will still need a good knowledge of mountain climbing. There is a lot of training needed if you wanted to climb a high mountain. Have a look at the link.

Do you have to be trained to climb Mount Everest?

To climb Mount Everest you will need lots of high altitude experience. You will also need to show you can climb ice and rock.

What do you use to climb on ice?

There is very specific gear for ice climbing. Aside from winter clothes, (boots, jacket, hat, gloves, pants, etc.) ice climbers need tools, too. Generally, ice climbers have 2 ice picks (an adze and a hammer), one in each hand, as well as crampons for their boots. Crampons are basically extreme cleats, that hold/dig into the ice. Ice climbers also need safety gear, such as helmets, rope, carabiners, leashes, and assorted ice screws (bolts) for fall protection.

What survival skills do you need to have to climb Mount Everest?

You do not really need survival skills to climb Mount Everest. The sort of skills needed would be high altitude mountain climbing, ice climbing, rope skills, leadership skills and self arrest skills. You would be expected to know how to dress and wear the correct safety clothing and equipment.

What does the company Grivel produce?

The company Grivel produces products for a variety of outdoor activities. Their product line includes items such as ice picks and helmets for mountain climbing.

How do you climb waterfalls in Pokemon Gold?

Pokémon need to be taught Waterfall in order to climb Waterfalls. In Pokémonn Gold, the Waterfall HM can be found within the Ice Cave.

What are the spiky things you wear on your shoes when mountain climbing?

Spikes or "crampons" are only fitted to the shoes and used when mountaineers climb so high that they encounter ICE on the ground on the mountain. The spikes dig into the ice and stop the mountaineers feet slipping.

What do you have to do to climb Mount Everest?

To climb Mount Everest the highest mountain in the world takes a lot of training. You must be the fittest you have ever been, it helps if you have knowledge in snow/ice climbing and have had experience in climbing other high altitude mountains.

Why mountainers wear shoes with spikes?

Spikes or "crampons" are only fitted to the shoes and used when mountaineers climb so high that they encounter ICE on the ground on the mountain. The spikes dig into the ice and stop the mountaineers feet slipping.

Why do mountainer wear spikes shoes?

Spikes or "crampons" are only fitted to the shoes and used when mountaineers climb so high that they encounter ICE on the ground on the mountain. The spikes dig into the ice and stop the mountaineers feet slipping.

What mountain has ice at its base even in the summer in west Virginia?

Ice Mountain.