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It's the becoming of a man/woman.

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Q: Why do they need to celebrate Bar Matzvah?
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When do people celebrate Bar Mitzvah?

Jews celebrate a bar mitzvah when a boy turns 13 and becomes a official adult man/member of the community.

Where do Jews celebrate bar mitzvahs?

The majority of bar mitzvot (pl) are celebrated in synagogues.

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With Bar-B-Ques and Fiestas

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they usually go out to a bar and get drunk and celebrate

Why do you need to celebrate Birthdays?

You don't need to but people celebrate the day they get older called birthday's.

When do Michigan people celebrate bar mitzvah?

Most people everywhere celebrate it at 13 years old but I went to one person's when they were 12.

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They celebrate Don't Need To Know This Day.

Why you should celebrate?

You need to celebrate the birth of you. plus, you get to eat cake!

Why do people have Bar Mitzvah?

Jewish boys have a Bar Mitzvah at 13 years as a rite of passage.

How old are you when you celebrate a Bar Mitzvah?

13. This is for a boy. A bat mitzvah is for a girl, age twelve.

What is bar mitzvah ceremony?

It is a Jewish ceremony to celebrate a young boy becoming an adult

What does Confrimation celebrate?

coming of age its kind of like a bar mitzvah except for christians