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Q: Why do they put caffeine in Tylenol 3?
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How much caffeine in Tylenol 3?

No caffeine in Tylenol 3 that is made in the US. In Canadian formulations of Tylenol 3 there may be found 15mg of caffeine.

What are components of Tylenol 3?

the generic form is called hydrocodone/apap this is made up of codine and acetominophinhydrocodone is not the same thing as codeine, they are derivatives. and it is not the generic name of Tylenol 3. Tylenol 3 has acetaminophen and codeine in it.Tylenol 3 is a compound analgetic that consists of 30mg codeine phosphate and 300mg acetaminophen (paracetamol). In the US, Tylenol products contain no caffeine. Tylenol 3 manufactured in Canada additionally contains 15mg caffeine.

What is best for migraine?

Caffeine and Tylenol

What are the components of excedrin and Tylenol?

Excedrin contains acetaminophen (tylenol), aspirin, and caffeine. Tylenol is acetaminophen.

Is wine caffeine marijuana Tylenol a psychoactive substance?


Does Tylenol Extra Strength have any caffeine in it?

Yep look on the label.

What is APAP in hydrocodone 7.5500mg?

APAP is caffeine and Tylenol. I cant tell you the the amount of caffeine to Tylenol however i can tell you that its 500mg Tylenol and the pill itself is coated with caffeine. APAP is used in hydrocodone to counter act the drowsiness that codones give. Hydrocodone APAP is preferred by most codone addicts. So remember.. blue means APAP.

Can you take a regular fioricet and a Tylenol 3 together?

The safest thing for you to do is to call the doctor that prescribed the medicine. He will know more about your body's chemistry, your dosage amounts and be able to provide a much safer answer than someone that is unaware of your medical history.

Can you replace Tylenol 1 with caffeine tablets?

You can replace anything with anything. Do they have the same effect? No.

How much tylonel is in tylonel 3?

The contents are 300mg acetaminophen, 30mg codeine and 15mg caffeine. Acetaminophen is the active ingredient in Tylenol... So the answer your looking for would be 300mg.

Can you take goody's powder with hydrocodone?

you would be adding acetaminopen aka Tylenol, aspirin and caffeine.

Is oolong tea safe to drink after taking Tylenol?

No, It has caffeine which does not mix well. Make sure you use a caffeine less tea such as roibos or herbal blends