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A baby male guinea pig is capable of breeding when he is around 3 weeks of age or 400g in weight which ever comes sooner. He will start to rumble and may attempt to mount his mother or siblings at this stage it is very important her is seperated and kept with his male siblings or if he is an only boy an older guinea pig male for company.

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Q: Why do they tell us to keep the male guinea pig with the mother to help care for them if she can get pregnant again so soon?
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What do you do if you have a mother and daughter guinea pig and the mother dies?

Give it to a vet and let them take care of it.

How long does the mother guinea pig care for their young?

6-8 weeks :)

Why can't get guinea pig pregnant?

Guinea Pig give birth to many baby Guinea pigs at one pregnancy.In average,they give birth to 4 Guinea Piglets.So,it will be difficult to care so much babies.And these babies may mate each other and again give birth to so many piglets.But its your option to choose! Also,most of the female Guinea Pigs die when they are pregnant and the pregnancy stage is critical in female Guinea pigs.

Is my guinea pig to young to be pregnant she is 3 months help me i'm not sure how to care for an underaged requirement pregnant guinea pig?

Your guinea pig is much too young. Guinea pigs become fertile after about 4 weeks, but it's safest for the mother (and her babies) not to be breed before at least 6 months. The best thing you can do is get her checked in with the vet, and ensure she's alone in the cage with fresh bedding and plenty of food and water. Good luck with her.

How long is a mother bobcat pregnant for?

they care for them for about 2 years and then leaves them

How do you delievr guinea pigs babies?

you don't deliver the guinea pig babies. let the mother do her job. let nature take it's course. but i must warn you not to touch the guinea pig babies because the mother might not take care of them.

What is maternal child?

The care of the childbearing and child rearing family Pre- natal care and guidance to the pregnant mother

How much does guinea pigs cages cost?

It depends on the size of the cage.Some cages are cheaper when they come in a guinea pig care supplies kit.My cage for my guinea pig was $50.But, then again,it was originally meant for two guinea pigs.

How do I take care of pregnant guinea pigs?

You take care of them like taking care of your pregnant wife exept more often. (but take care of it like an animal, not a woman) Leave it alone, but put it in a barn an let it rest an once its gonna give birth help it!!!

What is Maternal child nursing?

The care of the childbearing and child rearing family Pre- natal care and guidance to the pregnant mother

How do mommy guinea pigs care for baby guinea pigs?

When they are first born and up to 4 weeks old the mother will feed them milk that she makes for them. She will teach them by showing them what to eat and drink. and how to be with other guinea pigs.

What gender of guinea pig is easier to care for?

Both genders are very equal in care and you should probably get two Guinea Pigs. But you should realize they CAN get pregnant if you have a Male. But it is better to have both types because they are very social in the wild. Boys tend to get very stinky!