

Why do tornadoes occur in the places they usually do?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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they are in the wheather path.

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Q: Why do tornadoes occur in the places they usually do?
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How come tornadoes go some places more often but not others?

It depends on the location. Tornadoes usually occur in dry areas with alot of dust, such as a prairie

What season do disasters from tornadoes usually occur?

Tornadoes mostly occur in spring and early summer.

Where are three places in the US when tornadoes likely occur?

Japan :)

What climate do tornadoes usually occur in?

Tornadoes are most common in temperate or subtropical climates.

During which month of the year do tornadoes usually occur?

Tornadoes occur in all months, but activity most often peaks in May.

Where do tornadoes most occer?

Tornadoes have occurred in just about all places that get thunderstorms. Thousands have been documented in different places and thousands more have doubtless gone undocumented.

In the US what time of the year do tornadoes usually occur?

Tornadoes tend to occur during late spring to early summer in the United States.

What are the places like where tornadoes happen?

Tornado's normally in occur in Texas and the USA but other places too.

Do tornadoes occur in warm places?

Tornadoes are more common in areas with warmer climates than those with cold ones.

Do tornadoes occur in places other then the us?

Yes. Tornadoes have been recorded on every continent other than Antarctica.

What time of year do tornadoes occur?

Tornadoes can happen at any time of year but occur most frequently in spring an early summer.

Around what time of day do tornadoes usually happen?

Tornadoes occur most often in the late afternoon.