

Why do unicorns have fur penguins on their backs?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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Alright, I'm pretty sure you want to know if Paul Allen has pets, and I

'm sorry, but I don't know. SORRY

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Q: Why do unicorns have fur penguins on their backs?
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Does Paul have pets?

um, why do you wonder? Anyway, I don't feel like posting it here, so just search why do unicorns have fur penguins on their backs and I'll post it I swear.

Does Paul Allen have pets?

um, why do you wonder? Anyway, I don't feel like posting it here, so just search why do unicorns have fur penguins on their backs and I'll post it I swear.

Are penguins covered with waterproof fur?

No. Penguins are birds, they have feathers, not fur.

Do African penguins have fur?

no. no penguins have fur .it may look like fur but it is just ruffled feathers

Do the emperor penguins shed their fur?

Okay well the last answer was completely rubbish. Emperor penguins DO shed their fur, they shed their baby fur, the grey fur they have when they are young penguins. As they grow older they shed that fur.

Are penguins pretty?

Penguins. i would not describe them as pretty. they would be more described as deadly. they secretly are robots controlled by unicorns. and unicorns are looking to destroy our entire race, as demonstrated by the bible of scientology.

Do peguins have fur or feathers?

I Think penguins have fur

How thick is a penguin's fur?

Penguins have feathers, not fur.

Is it ever cold for penguins?

no penguins have thick fur that helps them be warm............

Do humans hunt penguins for fur?

no one knows fur (ha ha) sure sorry for the bad help No, because penguins are birds and they are covered in feathers, not fur.

Are penguins covered in fur?


How do macaroni penguins survive?

its fur