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A liquid moves faster when it is heated because the particles in the liquid are hitting each other, and subsequently repelling each other at a higher rate and force than before they were heated.

Basically, the cohesion (attraction between the molecules/particles) and the adhesion (attraction of the molecules/particles to others around them, ie. wetness) are decreased, making the liquid more fluid.

Try to imagine a cart full of tennis balls. As you pour them out (with the cart tipped over to an angle of, say, 65 degrees) they fall out at a specific rate.

However, if you caused the cart to vibrate vigorously as you allowed them to pour out (with the same angle, and the same number of balls) they would pour out much faster.

Just try to remember that the cart only represents the molecules of the container you're pouring the liquid from (like a cup or a beaker).

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14y ago
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1w ago

Warm liquids evaporate faster than cold liquids because the increase in temperature causes the molecules in the liquid to move more quickly. This increased movement leads to more molecules breaking free from the liquid surface and entering the gas phase, which is the process of evaporation.

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12y ago

The measurement of resistance between two consecutive layers of liquid is called VISCOSITY. It has inverse relation with temperature. When temperature rises, it become lesser, so the Resistance between two layers become less. As the result hotter liquid flows faster then colder liquid.

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11y ago

because the heat makes it thinner and more easier to flow.

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10y ago

Because a hot liquid has a lower viscosity.

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7y ago

How liquids respond to heat depends on their specific heat.

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7y ago

Yes they do. The effect of heat depends on the specific heat of the liquid. The higher the specific heat, the grater the amount of heat required to achieve the same temperature change.

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7y ago

Yes, it is true.

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7y ago

The specific is different.

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