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"Short" answer: Its a combination of the surface tension due to the polar nature of the molecules of water and the hydrophobic properties of the wax on the paper.

Longer answer: Water is a molecule that consists of covalently bonded (2) Hydrogen ions + an oxygen ion (IE. H2O). The resulting structure of this molecule (due to some magical chemistry stuff that I forgot after I passed Chem 1 in college) has the two atoms of hydrogen (H) oriented to one pole of the oxygen (O) atom. Since the O is in a sense stealing 2 electrons each of the H's, the pole where they are located is somewhat more positive than the opposite pole. This property allows water molecules to 'bond' to one another (think of a weak magnet). Wax on the other hand is non-polar, or a given molecule of wax has neutral charge over all, and thus doesn't react with polar substances.

In the case of your water droplet, imagine zooming in with a super-power magnifying the outer-most-top-surface you'd see a chain of water molecules linked up in a chain, with the "H end" or positive end of one molecule being attracted to the negative end of next molecule. On the bottom of your drop you'd see the same thing, but you'd also see the water being repelled by the wax.

My head hurts now.

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Q: Why do water take dome shape when on top of waxpaper?
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