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Q: Why do we apply a cervical collar to a patient?
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Is it legal to drive wearing cervical collar?

Is it legal to drive while wearing a cervical collar in Ontario Canada

How does a soft cervical collar treat whiplash?

A soft cervical collar may provide some relief for symptoms of whiplash for 2 or 3 weeks, if used longer muscle flexibility and strength could be inhibited.

i need a cervical collar, where cam i find one, and will medicare pay for it?

Walgreen of Target will cary cervical collars for under $20.00

When is a c collar applied?

in case of suspected cervical spine trauma or other pathology.

How do you deal with cervical problem?

Cervical problems can be successfully dealt with if the patient is cooperative with treatment procedures and listens to her doctor's instructions.

How successful is treatment of cervical cancer?

If you are looking for more information on How successful is treatment of cervical cancer, the best place to look for the information is on

How many bones in collar bones?

The collar bone is one bone on each side of the body called the clavicle.

What are clavicle vertebrae and patella are commonly known as what?

There is no such thing as a clavicle vertebrae -- do you mean cervical vertebrea? Here are the common names of all three -- clavicle = collar bone. patella = knee cap. cervical vertebrae = neck.

What is the medical term meaning collarbone?

There are several, seven to be exact, and they are called the cervical vertebrae.A neck bone is a cervical vertebrae.The bones in the neck are known as the "cervical vertebrae" there are 7 of them, they surround and protect the spinal chord as well as help hold up the head.Dum bones1234Cervical Vertebrae, numbered C1 through C7.the bones of the neck?

How can one apply the biological on a person?

How can a psychanalytic apply the biological model on a patient

What is the back of the neck called?

It is called the Nape

How do you apply frontline flea med?

you put right behind the collar bone and down the spine.