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One reason is so boats and cargo ships can know if they will be able to pass through the river.

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Q: Why do we measure the depth of rivers?
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Why o Can a clinometer be used to measure the depth of something?

No, a clinometer is not used to measure the depth of something. It is used to measure the angles of incline, slope, and elevation but not the actual depth.

What is a depth gauge?

A device to measure the tire's thread depth.

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How was math used in the Lewis and clark journey?

During the expedition, they had to use math to measure the heights of mountains, the width and depth of rivers, also various astronomical observations, they had to measure longitude and latitude almost constantly, figure out temperature, etc. :)

How do you find the depth in centimeters?

Measure the depth using a metric ruler!

How do you measure the tread depth for motorcycle tires?

You can use a penny for that. Put in between the threads then mark and measure the depth on the penny.

How deep is the river cuckmere?

As with most rivers, the depth varies according to whether in drought or flood, and where the depth is measured.

Can a calorimeter be used to measure the depth of something?

No, a calorimeter is not designed to measure depth. It is a device used to measure the amount of heat released or absorbed in a chemical reaction or physical process. To measure the depth of something, you would typically need a different type of instrument, such as a ruler, tape measure, or a depth gauge.

Why do rivers go deeper even when ships don't use rivers?

Whether a ship uses a river does not affect the depth- the depth affects whether or not a ship can use the river. Depth is affected by water flow, and the terrain the river runs through.

What does a fathometer measure?

ocean depth

What is a unit of measure for depth?

Fathom which is six feet or two yards in depth .