

Why do we need metal extraction?

Updated: 10/5/2023
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Q: Why do we need metal extraction?
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What metal is extracted from ore?

all metal extraction is done from ores

What are the two processes in the extraction of aluminium that require large amounts of energy?

You need a lot energy to melt the metal compound and then you'd need a great deal of electrical energy to extract the metal from the molten compound.

Which type of principals are involved in extraction of the element?

Extraction of pure metal from ores. That's all on my side.

Why cannot all minerals of a metal cannot be used for metal extraction?

In order to extract a metal from its mineral you need to have some solubility of that mineral, otherwise it will take too long. Let's say 2% solubility looks as a rational minimum

Is extraction of metal is thermodynamically stable?

The answer to this is , No! The extraction of metal usually requires the appliction of heat to separate the metal from it's matrix, the stuff mixed with the metal. This is called "Smelting". Each metal melts at a different temperature. Some of these temperatures are very high, so great care must be taken in this process.

What mesh particle size for chelex 100 is best for DNA extraction?

The 200-400 mesh size is best for DNA extraction. The smaller sizes are usually used for metal ion extraction.

What is an archaeometallurgist?

An archaeometallurgist is a scientist who is an expert in archaeometallurgy - the prehistory of metal extraction and working.

What type of chemical reaction is always involved in the extraction of metal from its ore?


What is liberation in mineral extraction?

liberation itself refers to liberate , the process of separation of the metal and impurity from the compound of mineral is called liberation in mineral extraction

What ethical issues are there with metal extraction?

The ethical issues with metal extraction is that it uses fossil fuels which which causes a large carbon footprint. It damages the ground around it and it causes pollution due to burning furnaces which can be a contribution to globel warming :)

What is the difference between isolation an extraction?

Isolation is the process of the seperation of the two metals but extraction is the process in which we get the desired metal from the concentrate.(in general we can say from the minerals and ores)

Why Carbonate and sulphide ores are usually converted into oxides during the process of extraction?

It is easier to obtain a metal from its oxide as compared to its sulphides and carbonates. So the metal sulphides & carbonates must be converted to metal oxides to ease the extraction